The Novelly Unproductive Book Club was founded by Melanie Brewster and Nick Fortugno in 2014. Motivated by a desire to keep up with modern literature and connect socially with like-minded (i.e. slightly pretentious) pals, we've met monthly since -- reading over 100 novels.

We have a few rules at NUBClub. We only read novels -- no short stories, memoirs, or non-fiction. We decide new books by majority vote of present members through contentious debate. Book club meetings are about the book and not community gossip, and we are unflinching in both praise and critique. We are happy to disagree, and our ultimate goal is to read good books and have just as good conversations about them.

Books are ranked in four categories. Most of what we read we consider ok, and so books without icons are pretty good but not great; we're not pushing you to spend your reading time on them. Our Short List books (🏆) are the novels that got our universal praise and that we all recommend strongly. Our Long List books (💖) are works that at least half of NUBClub loved and wants you to read -- check the description to see if your taste aligns with the lovers or the haters. There are also books we univerally despised and we've marked those accordingly (💩).

We're pretty dedicated to keeping our NUBClub close-knit and small, but we're happy to have you read along with us in a NUBClub of your very own. Drop us a line if you're interested in our reading list and want to be part of the conversation. Reach out to us at info at nubookclub dot com.